Spill Response Management

  • Knowing what to do when a spill occurs is not a straightforward matter. Especially when the spill involves a hazardous substance!
  • If you have hazardous substances on your site or in your lab, you must test your spill procedures annually and have a written record of such. Our Spill Response Management course completes and fulfills this requirement.
  • This course includes a presentation, reviewing how to manage a spill; the order in which action should be taken and discusses the various types of hazards you might face and how to manage them. A brief desktop scenario is run after the presentation to see how well the group can implement what they’ve learned.
  • The course also has a practical component, which tests the attendees and the procedures they follow by simulating a spill in a high-risk zone. This is done physically on the site with spilled water or a black plastic circle – to represent the hazard spill that the attendees will need to role-play cleaning up using the appropriate gear as if it were a hazardous substance.
  • At the end of the course, participants will have refreshed the skills required to assess hazards caused by spills and be able to write, review, and implement procedures to deal with them.
  • A certificate of attendance is issued on completion of the course.

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