

Welcome to our News Page!  This page is currently undergoing some changes as it will need to reflect the changes to HSNO and the new HSW (Hazardous Substances) Regulations.

You can also visit the EPA Bulletin Archive  and download a copy of ‘The Bulletin” or visit the What’s new in ACVM‘ page for information on ACVM matters.

TCC (NZ)  newsletters can also be downloaded from this link.

Old News:

Feb 2011

The New ERMA website is now up and running!  It is hoped that the new site will be easier to navigate than the old one.  However with such a large site it will still take some practice to find your way around.

The TCC website has an ERMA portal with quicklinks to the most frequently visited pages on the new site and we are happy to add more at the request of our clients.

March 2011

ERMA Streamline the HS application process

A recent law change means only applications for hazardous substances that are likely to be of significant public interest will be publicly notified by ERMA New Zealand in future.

New rules for LPG

New rules around the use of LPG come into effect this month.

These include tighter rules around the use of odorants, improved signage and refrigeration facility design requirements and restrictions on the quantities of LPG that can be stored indoors.

From March 2, industry and the public should be complying with the new rules.

For further information on the rules, click here.

To find out more about using and storing LPG and the requirements for using cylinders indoors, click here.

July 2011

EPA replaces ERMA

As of July 1st the newly formed EPA replaced ERMA as the government body responsible for administering the HSNO Act.

Methyl Bromide Update

New Guidance is now available for users of methyl bromide in a post re-assessment guidance document, click here.


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